Integration with other ERP's
1. SAP
2. Navision, Microsoft Dynamics
3. Navision, Microsoft Dynamics
4. Industrial ERP
Multi Branch : User can create multii commpanies and Multi-branches under the companies
Multi user configured with branched on role basis
Software Highlights (User Configurable Standard Features)
Easy User,Master,Branch,Session,clander Year & Financial Year configurable
Flexible User rights implementation
Complete control for all calculation from payroll master data
Dynamic Searches on all master parameters
Data Export/Import from Excel
System generated documents like Offer Letter ,Appointment Letter
User configurable employee details
User configurable employee earnings
User configurable employee deductions
Exhaustive employee master details
User configurable PF and ESI settings
Quick Excel data import/Export.
User configurable variable monthly data components
Integration to leave system
Loans management without interest
Easy Salary Advance or Loan entries/Adjustments
All Transaction Data Can be imported from Excel templates for preparation of salary instead of manual entries
Salary To Bank for Bank employee
Condensed Salary Slip (Seperate format for Staff / Workers.
Horizontal and Vertical Salary Registers.
Readymade PF,ESI and other Statement on single click
Gratuity, ELDI, Retirement Reports
Full and Final Settlement
User configurable pay slip settings
1. FA-Financial Accounting
General Ledger Heads
Sundry Debitors/Sundry Creditors Heads
All Expense Head
GL Linking With Cost Centres
Other Misc. Accounting Heads
Journal Voucher Multiple Entry system
Cash Receipt/ Payment Voucher Multi Entry system
Bank Deposit /Withdrawal Voucher Multi Entry system
Imprest Handling Voucher Multi Entry system
Freight Handling Voucher Multi Entry system
Misc if any required voucher Multiple Entry system
o Journal Day Book
Cash/Bank Day Book
o Sales/Purchase Day Book
o Imprest Day Book
o Statement of Accounts
o Petty Cash Entry
Bank Reconciliations with Different Banks
Payment Reconciliations Purchase Party Wise
Receipt Reconciliations Sale Invoice Wise
Month Wise/Date Range Outstanding Analysis
Ledger Group Wise /date wise / Entry Wise
Profit & Loss Report
Trial Monthly
Trail Balance
Different Voucher Format for A4 and Half Page
Cheque Book Printing
Auto Narration for Special Voucher like TDS /GST/Freight and others
Post Dated Cheque and clearing facility
Auto TDS Calculation
2. SO-Sales Order System
- i. FG Category Master
- ii. FG Group Master
- iii. Unit Master
- iv. Packing/Size Master
- v. Items Master
- vi. Rate Master
- vii. Sales Price Group Master
- viii. Party Wise Rate Master
- ix. Sales Levis/Taxes Master
- x. Sale Discounts/Scheme Master(Single / Multiple)
- xi. Sales Executive/Marketing Executive Master
- xii. Multiple Bill Series(Like CST/VAT/Excise/Export etc)
xiii. Sale Order Entry
xiv. Sale Order Modification
xv. Sale Order Confirmation
xvi. Sale Order Amendments
xvii. Sale Order Execution
xviii. Sale Order Knocked off
xix. Sale Order Linking with PPC
xx. Sale Order Summary
xxi. Sale Order Detail Party Wise
xxii. Sale Order Detail Item Wise
xxiii. Pending Order Summary
xxiv. Pending Order Detail Party Wise
xxv. Pending Order Detail Item Wise
3. S&D-Sales & Distribution
- xxvi. Opening FG Stock Entry
- xxvii. Daily FG Stock Entry
- xxviii. Outward Challan Entry
- xxix. Billing(Excisable/Non Excisable)
- xxx. Sale Return
- xxxi. Invoice/Bill Printing
- xxxii. Sale Gate Pass
- xxxiii. C-Form
- xxxiv. Excise
- xxxv. Sale Executive
- xxxvi. Sale Chart Analysis
- xxxvii. Sale Register(all/Party Wise/Item Wise)
- xxxviii. Sale Return Register
- xxxix. Sale Summary Item Wise Group
- xl. Sale Bill Wise Statement
- xli. Daily Sale Position
- xlii. Item Wise Sale Summary
- xliii. Party Wise Outstanding
- xliv. Bill Wise Outstanding
- xlv. Ageing Party Wise
- xlvi. Ageing Bill Wise
- xlvii. Item Wise Sale Excise Statement
- xlviii. Monthly Sale Party Wise
- xlix. Bill Wise Check List
- l. Sale Group Levis Wise
- li. Sale Date wise Invoice
- lii. Sale Monthly Statement
4. MPI-Material Purchase & Indenting Software
- Material Purchase Indent Entry With following options:
- o Department
- o Cost Centre
- o Sub-Cost Centre
- o Item Code
- o Item Name
- o Special Remarks and Item Specifications
- o Indent Register All
- o Indent Register Department
- o Indent Register Cost Centre
- o Indent Register Sub-Cost Centre
- o Pending Indents for PO
- o Pending Indents for Material
- o Indent Executed
- Material Purchase Indent Entry With following options:
- o Department
- o Cost Centre
- o Sub-Cost Centre
- o Item Code
- o Item Name
- o Special Remarks and Item Specifications
- Material Purchase Indent Entry With following options:
- o Department
- o Cost Centre
- o Sub-Cost Centre
- o Item Code
- o Item Name
- o Special Remarks and Item Specifications
5. MM-Material Management Software
- o Material Receipt Entry
- o Material Receipt Quality Control
- o Confirmation & Auto Stock Updation
- o Fully Integrated with Purchase Order
- o Shortage Booking
- o Breakage Booking
- o Rejection Booking by QC
- o Local Purchase Limit without PO
- o Shortage Advise
- o Breakage Advise
- o Rejection Advise
- o Rate Difference
- o Stock Ledger Item Wise
- o Stock Status Summary
- o Stock With Value
- o Stock Category Wise
- o Material Requisition
- o Material Issuance
- o Stock Issuance Validation
- o Mapped With Cost Centre
- o Mapped With Sub-Cost Centre
- o Mapped With Department
- o Mapped With User Login
- o Material Issue Return
- o Physical Stock Taking
- o Multiple Stores
- o User Defined Item Categories
- o User Defined Item Groups
- o User Defined Units
- o Stock Min. Max. Rule
- o MRC Categories Like Capital/Regualar
- o Dynamic Levis/GST
- o Auto Levis Calculation
- o Alert Configuration
- o Purchase Register
- o MRN Pending for QC
- o MRN Sent to HO/Ac
- o Party Wise Bills
- o Item Wise Purchase
- o Group Wise Purchase
- o Item Category Wise Purchase
- o Supplier Outstanding
- o GST Ledger-GSTR-II
- o Daily Issuance Register
- o Daily Issuance Summary
- o Consumption Summary-Cost Centre Wise
- o Consumption Summary-Sub-Cost Centre Wise
- o Consumption Summary-Item Category Wise
- o Consumption Summary-Item Group Wise
- o Consumption Detals-Item Wise with Value & Qty.
- o Stock Valuation Summar Report
- o Stock Valuation Detailed Report
6. Gate Module
- o Vehicle Master
- o Employee Configuration
- o Visitor Configuration
- o Visitor Gate Pass
- o Vehicle In Entry
- o Vehicle Out Entry
- o Vehicle Gate Pass
- o Returnable Gate Pass-RGP
- o Non-Returnable Gate Pass-NRGP
- o Multiple Stores
- o User Defined Item Categories
- o User Defined Item Groups
- o User Defined Units
- o Stock Min. Max. Rule
- o MRC Categories Like Capital/Regualar
- o Dynamic Levis/GST
- o Auto Levis Calculation
- o Alert Configuration
7. Security & Setting
- o User Login
- o Mapped With Employee
- o Mapped With Department
- o Mapped With Branches
- o Mapped With Stores
- o Add/Edit/View/Print
- o Mapped With Menu's
- o Mapped With Special Writes
- o Mapped With IP
8. Management Information System MIS & Dashboards
The best of part of any software is that how it gives you the output from the software. The Output only define the degree of
success of software. Cloud-SaaS Technologies ERP SOFTWARE give you all kind of information required a few reports are shared below
- o Ledger Flow
- o Bank Position
- o Expenses Analysis
- o Supplier Outstanding
- o Income Receivables
- o P & L
- o Monthly Sales Graph
- o Sale Trend
- o Top 5 Products
- o Least 5 Products
- o Client Pending Orders
- o FG Status
- o Monthly Purchase Graph
- o Purchase Trend
- o Stock Below Min. Level
- o Stock Above Max. Level
- o Stock Above Min. Level
- o Supplier Outstanding